Sunday, November 29, 2009

A Spirit of Abundance

My final day in my month of counting my blessings. And what a month it has been. In looking over the list (below), themes of family, friends, health, time, experiences, and small kindnesses emerged. What I did not see was just as important. There were very few material things that graced my list (well there was wine and chocolate but those are consumable goods and don't add to my clutter!).

I have plenty - MORE - than I need and sometimes even want. I have so much and feel blessed by the abundance in my life. But the things that I am most thankful for are not things at all. My List of Blessings this month reinforced that.

1. The Art of Giving Thanks (a spirit of gratitude)
2. Sweet Sleep
3. Coming Home (old friends)
4. A Chance Meeting (my health)
5. Good Neighbors
6. The Comforts of Home (my home, my family)
7. Sagie Lou
8. Lovely Little Details (my spirituality)
9. Nowhere Else Than Here (being an American)
10. Breathing Space (time to just be)
11. Hearts A’singin’ (a day with my mom)
12. The Optimist Club (a positive outlook)
13. Girlfriends!
14. The Crock-pot Queen
15. A Little Purple Flower (Taggart’s thoughtfulness)
16. Darkness and Light (my freedom)
17. Wine and Chocolate
18. Believing (in anything!)
19. Doing What You Love (work that makes your heart sing)
20. A Blank Page (a free day)
21. Movie Night (quality time with Taggart and Sage)
22. Uncle Chrissy (my brother)
23. Culinary Wheelies (my husband, the gifted cook)
24. Thanks Giving (my mom)
25. Cereal for Dinner (simple things)

So, at a time when we are racing toward Christmas or Hanukkah or Kwaanza, shopping like crazy people for stuff and more stuff, I am going to continue to move forward in my spirit of abundance. I plan to give one thing away each day that I no longer want or need and make room in my life for greater good and abundance (stay tuned for my great giveaway list!). I want to give gifts that people will actually use, need, or truly love. I want to find ways to be thoughtful each day of this holiday season and share the good in my life with others. In the true spirit of Christmas, I want to give what matters: the presents of Christmas and the presence of Christmas.

May we all be so blessed.

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