Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Good Will

(Day 1 of the Great Giveaway)

Well, it certainly is not the most exciting giveaway news, but I went through the kids' closets this morning and Taggart has a collection of Brooks Brothers and Talbots dress shirts from his cousin Rucker that he will have nothing to do with. They're not "cool", he tells me. So, they've been waiting to be noticed for a year - all pressed and pretty on their hangers - and someone else is just going to have to enjoy them. I gave them away today.

Sage's clothes are so well-loved and well-worn, I was hard pressed to put anything in the Goodwill pile. But the couple salvageable pieces I did find, I have to hide until I unload them tomorrow. She will be furious if she knows. Hopefully she won't find out (or remember!) . . .

Speaking of Goodwill, one great Taggart story to share. Taggart was about three-years-old and he and I were going through his clothes. I'd tell him to either put something in the keep pile or the Goodwill pile. Then, I put the whole bag of clothes to go to Goodwill by the door so they'd be ready to take the next morning.

The next day, Jeff says to me, "What's with that bag of clothes for your hairdresser?" And I'm thinking, "What would Will want with a bunch of Taggart's old clothes???" I asked Jeff what Taggart had told him. And he said Taggart shared that "They were for Will, who cuts mama's hair." Of course, the only Will Taggart knew about was my Will - he had no frame of reference for Goodwill. So, with perfect three-year-old logic and "good" sense, Goodwill was my Will. And he is Good Will, just not the one I deliver old clothes to : )

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