Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Hunting and Gathering

Well, I’ve been off my bloggin’ wagon for about two weeks; the great giveaway I was planning has only happened in fits and starts and I’ve had to be O.K. with that. It’s weighed on me that I haven’t been true to my word but I’m doing the best I can and that’s all I can do. It is what it is. And, it’s all good.

This time of year is exciting, inspiring, hectic, and wonderful – not to mention overwhelming. Often, all at the same time! And I find I have to remind myself again and again to make sure I am sitting back and enjoying the promise and anticipation, the illumination and the symbolism. To not get so caught up in the stuff that is not important, so that I am able to embrace those things that really are.

Watching my children’s sense of wonder, their willingness to believe, and their downright impatient anticipation is a delight. Trying to make sure I have everything I need for everyone on my list is a challenge. Wrapping up all my grading is a relief. Wrapping up all the presents is a pain. And sitting quietly in my house with all the Christmas lights on and a fire burning is like a prayer – still, contemplative, hopeful. I could sit for a very long time.

If I didn’t have that darn to-do list, and two kids who need me often and hands-on, and yes, all that stuff still waiting to be given away. And the stuff, it has been accumulating. Though I haven’t written about it in the past two weeks, I’ve been hunting and gathering. Goodwill will be happy to see me pull up. A crib, toys, books, clothing . . . I’ve made it through both kids’ rooms and my closet. My husband’s closet might be next – I take no prisoners (he may not be happy about that).

The deal is – I need to get rid of the stuff now because in about two weeks, more will be coming in. And like the give and take of life, we can only handle so much stuff. So I’m trying to purge. And while purging, I might just find those two gifts I hid somewhere . . . perhaps between a rock and a hard place . . . trying to balance all those needs and wants. And as I sit here by the fire, with the Christmas lights keeping me company, I have a feeling it’ll all unfold – exactly as it needs to and in its own perfect time. I'm counting on that.

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