Monday, November 23, 2009

Uncle Chrissy

(Day Twenty-Three in my Month of Blessings)

Last night as I was putting Sage down and she was almost asleep, she whispered, “Mama?” And I said, “Yes, Sage?” She took a deep breath and whispered, “We do love our Chrissy.” And then, she fell soundlessly asleep.

She was referring so sweetly to my brother Chris, whom my two children adore. He flew in from Chicago today for the Thanksgiving holiday and my kids have had a countdown for a couple weeks. Chris is the epitome of the doting uncle. He is fun, loves children, has no kids of his own, and spoils my two with his time, attention, and thoughtfulness. We should all have an uncle like Uncle Chrissy.

The kids help him get his suitcase out because they just never know what might be in it for them. Well, that’s not quite true. Taggart almost always knows there is a t-shirt in store. Patagonia, Chicago Cubs, Chicago Bears, Mexican wrestlers - we just never know but can count on Chris to keep Taggart’s t-shirt collection current and cool.

Chris is also a huge help to me – be it with Singing Heart Press or organizing our garage, Chris is game to take on whatever it is I’m up to tackling. He has no idea how much his patience and willingness to help means to me. This is all aside from the fact that Chris and I are great friends. We speak on an almost daily basis and know the ins and outs of each other’s lives. This closeness defines our family – I am so thankful for it. In a world that is fast and convenient and swirling, knowing my mom and Chris are always right there if I need them is a priceless gift.

Of course, Chris and I know each other’s buttons well too. But unlike our teenage years, we are much less likely to intentionally press them. There were times when we were young where either one of us prayed fervently to God to be an only child – didn’t care how, just do the deal! But God knew better, thank goodness. He knew what was in store down the road and that we would greatly need and want each other in our lives. Today, I cannot imagine my world without the intensity, love, affection, and humor my brother brings to it. It is a much richer, happier, more complete place because of him.

Just ask my kids.

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