Saturday, November 28, 2009

Cereal For Dinner

(Days Twenty-Eight and Twenty-Nine in my Month of Blessings)

Well, I’m almost there and I have to say that some days this has been harder than others - not for lack of blessings but for the energy and commitment it requires to do something every day. I missed yesterday’s entry because I was at my in-laws and after two days of lots of people, lots of food, and not enough sleep, I couldn’t get my typin’ fingers or my sleepy head working last night.

Alas, I’m home today and what I am “oh-so-thankful-for” is the simple things: cereal for dinner, my own bed, our quiet little house. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving full of all the trimmings, wonderful family, and a beautiful, sunny day. All of the Patterson side stayed at GeeGee and Popoo’s – the kids went on adventures in the woods, built a fort, and went deer shining in Uncle Greg’s new pick-up truck. The grown-ups talked, watched football, looked through magazines and catalogues, and drank their fair share of beer and wine. It was a full, lovely couple days.

Now, home, I’m ready to “slim” down. Less food, less drink, more exercise. A quiet night in our warm house and soft bed, something good to read. Did I say quiet? Yes, me and my solitude. I am thankful for the little bit of quiet I might find in any given day. Today, I got to drive home from Gallatin by myself. Forty-five minutes in my own car, soaking up the sunshine and drinking my coffee, it was the most contemplative moment I have had in days. Then, I had an hour in my house by myself. To me, this is such a rarity, it’s a little bit of heaven. Like I said, it’s the simple things.

They are all around us, they do not cost much, and they are just waiting to be noticed. We won’t find them at the mall or on-line – typically just in the tiny details of ordinary days. May those moments tap you on the shoulder, beckon to you, make your heart sing - because happiness is often found right in the middle of wherever we are - and all depends on the lens through which we're looking.

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