Thursday, November 5, 2009

Good Neighbors

(Day Five in my Month of Blessings)

Enough cannot be said about what it means to have good neighbors. And I don’t mean the kind that simply don’t bother you or keep their yards up. I’m talking about the kind that remember your kids’ birthdays, bring your favorite donuts over on an early Sunday morning, and who make you feel safe and looked after when your husband is away on business.

I honestly never knew what having good neighbors was like until I met the Brocks. I have often joked that I would have paid even more for our house had I known how lucky we would be in the neighbor department. If they can help, they will. And, you know you can count on them. Caring and considerate, with one of the best tool collections in all of Nashville to boot, they have helped us time and time again.

That’s why tonight, when I was coming home from a meeting and ran out of gas, it was my neighbors I called. Husband out of town, mom home watching kids (me with both car seats), what else was a girl to do but call someone she knew she could count on?

Within thirty minutes two trucks pulled up – father and son – one with flashing lights (ha-ha, did we have to bring more attention to my slip of inattention . . . ?). They both jumped out to assist me and to make sure it was not more than a faulty gas gauge. (It always says it’s full so I use my trip odometer to track my mileage. Little did I know my kids had pushed the button so I was looking at the wrong mileage all week!) So, after funneling five gallons of gas into my truck, and with my promise of baked goods and good karma coming their way, I confidently headed for home.

What could have been really, really bad ended up being nothing more than a bump in the road – thanks to the care and concern of neighbors I feel fortunate enough to call friends.

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