Saturday, November 7, 2009

Sagie Lou

(Day Seven in my Month of Blessings)

Three years ago today, Catherine Sage Patterson came into our world. It took years for me to consider a second child but I cannot imagine our lives without Sage in it. Many people ask, “Is it harder with your second?” And I can honestly tell them no. It’s easier – she balances us. We’re even now –dad and son, mother and daughter – and she and Taggart have each other. To laugh and play, tease and antagonize. For better or worse, we’re in it for the long haul.

Sage is sensitive and sweet, gentle and affectionate. She can also pitch a fit that might just break glass one of these days and turn the tears on at the drop of a hat. She’s known to go around the house repeating “You get what you get and you don’t pitch a fit.” But saying something and believing it are two different things. Because, she can scream and cry so loudly – and over the littlest thing – that I’ll think she has severed a limb. I race from wherever I am, frantic to understand why she is crying so hard, and her answer might be something like, “Taggart shut him door and locked it!” or “I bumped my toe!”

Minutes later, sometimes seconds and sometimes hours, she’s back. My sweet girl – like the angel of peace has settled its wings over her and blessed her – and she comes into her own once again. She’ll say, “Mom?” And to my “Yes, Sage?” I hear her tell me “I love you.” And all is well in my world. Better than well, it’s perfect. I am so glad she’s here - that she’s part of me - and that I, am part of her. I wouldn't have it any other way.

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