Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanks Giving

(Days Twenty-Five and Twenty-Six in my Month of Blessings)

Yesterday was a swirl of activity – a visit over to my mom’s in the morning, a long walk in the sunshine, a family outing to a greenway, a matinee movie with my mom (The Blind Side – inspiring and wonderful!), and then home to bake a Caramel Pear pie for today’s Thanksgiving feast. By the time I got the kids down at 9 p.m., I had no umph left over for grace or goodness or even simple appreciating - my blog would have to wait.

I was tired and grouchy and feeling overwhelmed. And my dear, sweet mom – who is always willing to lend a hand and do whatever to help me – got the brunt of it. Not so good, the day before Thanksgiving. Really, not so good any day but in light of the fact that I’m recounting my daily blessings, my focus was off last night.

But my slip fully reminded me of why my mom is one of the very best people in the world. She knew I was tired and stressed. She continued to try and be helpful. She didn’t say a word or retort to my mean streak. She loves me unconditionally. She shows it again and again and again. She would do anything for my brother and me – and a few handfuls of other lucky souls. At any given time, my mom is finding some way to be thoughtful or kind to another. Be it having Taggart put money in someone’s meter that is about to expire or having a load of firewood sent to a friend who could not afford it, my mom finds many ways to selflessly give to those blessed souls whose lives intertwine with hers.

We should all be so lucky to have someone like her in our lives. I feel so fortunate to have her down here, getting to be with us on an almost daily basis. That my kids get to really know her and share their lives with her is priceless to me – especially since my dad is not here to know them and share his knowledge and unique presence with them.

I do think, though, that my dad makes appearances in his own inimitable way. I often see a large hawk in the neighborhood and my dad loved hawks. Sometimes it will fly right over me as I run and I am sure my dad is saying, “I’m right here. All is well.” Of course, there’s Phillip in the red truck whom I wrote about in an earlier entry (An Old Red Truck). He gave my daughter Sage three turkey feathers to wear in her hair on her birthday. My dad might have given her such a gift. It made me smile.

So, today, on Thanksgiving, I have so much to smile about. Headed to family and a magnificent feast at my in-laws, it will be a day of fullness all around. The glow of family, the warmth of the sun, the laughter of children playing, the perfection of a meal my mother-in-law has had in the works for a month. A hayride, a walk on the farm, hanging out with in-laws I think the world of – I truly feel blessed.

Happy Thanksgiving - may your hearts be full and happy!

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