Friday, November 13, 2009


(Day Thirteen in my Month of Blessings)

I’m just in from dinner with one of my favorite girlfriends so I’ll make this short and sweet (it’s late and I’ve had a couple glasses of wine). Life is so much better when you have good friends with whom to commiserate and celebrate. And honestly, isn't discussing money, sex, and parenthood so much easier with someone who truly understands? Now, don’t get me wrong, husbands/boyfriends/partners are great, but there is something transcendent about spending time with girlfriends and sharing our lives. Like all the puzzle pieces make sense - the big picture and the details come into clear view.

The time spent with girlfriends can be ordinary or extraordinary, it never really matters. Simply a chance to talk at length about whatever is going on, to complain about whatever isn’t going on or should be going on, to plan, reminisce, dream . . . it’s all good. There’s enough time, enough wine, and enough compassion to get us through any storm or rainbow. So tonight, I’m thankful to my girlfriends – both near and far. You help me make perfect sense of an imperfect world and you help keep me grounded. Rain or shine, thick or thin, happy or sad, we’re in this together. What more could a girl ask for?

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