Monday, November 2, 2009

Sweet Sleep

(Day Two in my Month of Blessings)

(Say it quickly. Say it like you mean it. Say it before your weariness dilutes the memory of what was the very best of your day . . .) The very best of my day today, what I am most thankful for was when I awakened at 5:20 a.m. on my own accord. No “Maaamaaa!” at 2:20 a.m. or 3:05 a.m. or 4:12 a.m. A full night of uninterrupted sleep and an awakening that was solely mine – that happens so rarely in my life that I almost don’t recognize my fully recharged self.

Sleep. Sweet sleep. Who knew how coveted it would become when parenthood called? Who knew just how unbecoming sleep deprivation could be?

So as I work to combat that harrowing and unhealthy demon, I find myself knocking loudly on Sweet Sleep’s door. Hoping she’ll answer and that Sage will mind her. As I close my eyes and begin to slow my mind down, a favorite bedtime prayer that my Grandma Mona used to recite with us as children comes to me: “Jesus tender, shepherd hear me. Bless thy little lamb tonight. Through the darkness be down near me; keep me safe ‘til morning light. All this day thy hand has led me and I thank thee for thy care. Thou hast warmed and clothed and fed me, listen to my evening prayers . . .”

I’m thankful too for the gentle memory of my Grandma Mona (Lillian Taggart) – I miss her loyalty, unconditional love, and sense of humor. She was one of a kind. She gave a lot and she expected a lot. She helped shape me and make me who I am. She was strong-willed and tender and she loved deeply and in her own way. May she know how much she’s missed and how thankful I am for her abiding presence in my life.

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