Friday, November 6, 2009

The Comforts of Home

(Day Six in my Month of Blessings)

We are so blessed to have a roof over our heads, a home to call our own. Warm and somewhat charming in a 1960’s ranch-kind-of-way, we moved into this house seven and a half years ago when I was nine months pregnant with Taggart. It holds so many memories for us in that relatively short period of time: Taggart’s birth, the completion of my doctorate and the resounding party we had to celebrate that major feat, a basement renovation, the birth of Sage, the death of Holly (our dog), and life continues to go on and on.

My husband Jeff has been out of town all week – in California for a workshop on Stephen Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (how jealous was I???) – and I scurry around before his arrival home trying to make it look like a relatively effortless week. Dishes done, beds made, dishwasher going, and laundry underway, I’m a picture of productivity. And in just about every way, it’s gone without a hitch. The kids have gone to bed smoothly, we’ve eaten some home-cooked meals, and other than running out of gas last night, I think I’ve pulled off the week with flying colors.

Now, the beds did not get made every morning (but I feel so much better when they do!), the contractor did not finish our master bath renovation by today as we’d planned, and we did not eat a vegetable every night (but two out of three ain’t bad!). Given those setbacks, all in all, it’s been a good week.

That does not take away from the fact that when Jeff is out of town, we do really miss him. It’s a bit of “when the cat’s away, the mice will play” but I think we’d both be quick to agree that at our best, we balance each other and that’s what makes us work pretty darn well most of the time. The kids feel his absence - Sage in particular. She does love her daddy – and told us regularly about missing him and how he was busy trying to find Mickey Mouse out in California so that they – meaning Daddy and Mickey - could call Sage and talk to her . . . yes, Daddy was busy, very busy . . .

But he’s home tonight – just a couple hours ago – and he put Sage to bed without even a peep for her mama to come rub her back and her tummy and get her water and tell her a story . . . feelin’ sleepy yet? (I am . . . surprise, surprise.) As we speak, Jeff is putting together a bike for Sage’s third birthday tomorrow. Did I mention I'm glad he's home???

I read a great quote the other day by Mother Teresa:
I think it is very important for us . . . to put understanding love into action. Where? In the family first and then for others. We must not neglect our homes and go out before we have started inside and begin with ourselves first. Then, because we have practiced that, we are able to give to others.

I am so thankful for my family – for my husband and my kids. And, I need to do a better job of consistently modeling this loving kindness and spirit of appreciation at home before zipping out into the world to spread the love. My husband and kids deserve it – getting the best of me. The rest of the world – well, you’ll just have to wait. I’m busy right now but I’ll get back with you as soon as I can.

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