Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Culinary Wheelies

(Day Twenty-Four in my Month of Blessings)

The first week I met my husband Jeff I went over to his house at lunchtime to let his puppy Holly out. He came home to make a quick sandwich. As he was putting his sandwich together, he said he needed to run out and get something on the deck. He returned with fresh basil. For his sandwich. Which he had grown. On his deck. Wow.

I don’t think I’d ever met a man prior to Jeff who not only knew what basil was but actually grew it himself. And that was just a drop in the bucket for what was to follow. He wishes now, after ten years together, that he had not let on so early that he knew his way around a kitchen. I, on the other hand, have benefited from his culinary wheelies ever since.

Take tonight, for instance. With family in and a cousin traveling through on his way to Arizona, Jeff grilled filets to everyone’s liking, baked garlic-cheese grits, and sautéed green beans with olive oil and garlic. It was a wonderful meal with special people. The perfect beginning to the Thanksgiving holiday.

I am grateful every day for Jeff’s presence, love, and cooking prowess. He makes our family - not to mention our meals - richer in a hundred ways. We are so blessed.

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