Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Optimist Club

(Day Twelve in my Month of Blessings)

Back in high school I was voted into the Optimist Club and I guess it was some big deal. The guidance counselor got letters of recommendation for me and I got a certificate and I think I even put it on my college applications. Go figure! I didn’t even really know what it meant or why I was selected at the time.

But in looking back and in moving forward, I think I’ve always sort of known that things work out and will eventually be O.K. Tough times, unexpected losses, surprises that turn your whole world upside-down . . . sooner or later, life rights itself.

I believe this and I don’t think it’s because I heard my grandmother say to me more times than I can remember, “This too shall pass.” But this is what I know: life marches on. And you can either be on the look-out for the next good thing or the next bad thing . . . it’s your choice every day. But me, I’d much rather be waiting on the next good thing. And when your attention is focused on the positive rather than the negative, good tends to appear – seemingly out of thin air.

I believe in the laws of abundance. What you reap, you shall sow. Give and you shall receive. Ask and it shall be given you. Open your heart to the world, and the world will open its heart to you. Karma, serendipity, coincidence, providence. It’s simple: what you send out, you get back.

I am thankful today for that heads-up on the optimist thing and the nomination into “the club”; it’s gotten me through many a trial and tribulation. Surprisingly, I come back to it often. It took me a long time to believe I deserved it but my guidance counselors and teachers must have seen something in me I’d yet to realize. I’m an optimist, the cup is half full, and there is good waiting to be had right around the next corner. Definitely not your typical joiner, I’m so glad to be part of the club.

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