Sunday, November 22, 2009

Movie Night

(Day Twenty-Two in my Month of Blessings)

I love movies but since having little ones, I miss getting my regular movie fix. I would be in heaven if I got to go to a movie once a week. I don't care if anyone is with me or not, I'm happy and comfortable going alone. Me, a real Coke, and popcorn, and I'm so good, it's scary. Contentment at its pinnacle. It doesn't take much.

But since having children, my movie-going days have dwindled. My husband's not a movie buff and usually with girlfriends we need to talk more than we need the solitude of a movie, so they've fallen from my priority list. But I sure do miss them.

I've taken Taggart and Sage to a couple kid-themes movies - some are better than others. But this doesn't really do anything for me. And it's been awhile since I've seen a kids' movie that was really good. Friends swear by UP so that's high on my list.

Tonight, the kids and I are actually having our first real movie night - all quietly sitting and watching Surf's Up together. Sage has just gotten to this place - you know, being three and all, she's big enough (or so she keeps telling me). So here we are, her sitting next to me, bouncing along to the music, watching attentively. And I'm thinking, kid movie or not, I could get used to this. Nights often seem harried and rushed - quick dinner, clean up, baths, teeth brushed, stories, bed.

But this seems like a great wind-down to a nice and relaxing week-end. We're all together, looking forward to the friends and family we'll see over the Thanksgiving holiday, and enjoying some quiet time together. It's a good thing. I want more of these. We might just have to make this a family tradition.

p.s. And although I'm loving the idea of this family movie night, it's not keeping me from zipping to a theater this week with my mom and brother. I am dying to see the new Sandra Bullock movie - The Blind Side. I'll keep you posted!

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