Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Breathing Space

(Day Ten in my Month of Blessings)

Time to breathe and take in what’s going on around me, I got that today. I got to go for a long run, sit in my clean house (oh so clean, after my whirling dervish act this week-end getting ready for Sage’s birthday party), attend to domestic details, urge and motivate the contractor to get that darn bathroom wrapped up (two months and counting), grocery shop (without kids – so much easier and faster), walk a trail with my mom and kids (well, Lib sort of hobbled because her feet hurt . . . ), and have a quiet, leisurely dinner with my husband while our kids quietly played.

That never happens – the kids quietly playing thing. Oh yeah, and the leisurely dinner with my husband thing. But tonight, the stars aligned and as Taggart and Sage read and played in his room, we got to actually talk without distraction and then go on the deck and enjoy the wonderful meal Jeff had whipped up: tilapia with a cilantro-lemon-garlic sauce, black rice, and steamed broccoli. It was special in the most ordinary of ways – like the night unfolded exactly as I wish most nights would.

So I’ll take tonight. And I’ll hope for lots more like it. And today too – with time to spare, I feel like a quite sane, accomplished, proud mom and happy wife. That’s a great day. Like an answered prayer I didn’t know I’d made, the whole day happened without a lot of pushing or pulling on my part. Happily ever in the moment – that’s what I wrote to Jeff on our one-year anniversary. And that’s what I strive for every day. Some days are just better than others. This was one of those perfect – happily ever in the moment – days.

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