Thursday, November 19, 2009

Doing What You Love

(Day Nineteen in my Month of Blessings)

Good colleagues are hard to beat. Tonight, I met with five other faculty members with whom I team-teach to talk about how the semester has gone so far and to discuss changes for next semester. These conversations and the teaching I get to do are intellectually stimulating and challenging. They stretch me and I love that.

I love being a mom and being creative with Singing Heart Press but I’ve realized that my work in academia feeds me in a way these other roles do not. I feel really blessed to get to do work I love: be it as a mom, small business owner, or faculty member. That I get to do different kinds of work that fit various aspects of myself, well, that affords me the best of all worlds - how lucky am I?

Now, I am not making millions at any of these but our family does not lack for shelter, food, or clothing (thank goodness for Jeff’s hard work and dedication!). Nonetheless, I do believe, if you do what you love, the money will follow. And one day, in the not-so-distant future, what I am actually paid for doing what I love will be equal to my passion for it.

I am so grateful for the many opportunities I have, for the gifts I’ve been given, and for the chance to share them with the world.

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