Sunday, November 8, 2009

Lovely Little Details

(Day Eight in my Month of Blessings)

I didn’t go to church today but I wish I had. I needed it - the spiritual lift I get from the music and the message. There is a synergy when I am surrounded by like-minded people, people who are hopeful and optimistic, who let love and an open heart lead the way, knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt, good will follow.

An old friend and I reconnected recently over e-mail and he shared that he is an atheist. This is something I just can’t get my head around. I look around and see so much beauty and goodness and cannot help but believe a greater power or energy brings that all into being. Things of such beauty and perfection – a golden-pink sunset, a vibrant reddish-orange poppy, the innocent smile of a small child – in my heart and mind these occurrences are so much more than mere happenstance. They are God’s daily affirmations to us of a loving, nurturing presence that cannot be dismissed.

We see the tiniest bit of grass growing up through a sidewalk crack and may not even notice it. But that piece of grass also has an urge to grow and be known. I think that is how God works. He (She/It) puts all these little lovely details in front of us and our job is simply to notice and appreciate them. And if we don’t, then I guess it would be easier not to believe.

But I do believe. And, I’m thankful for that. I’d have a rough time navigating life – and especially parenthood – were it not for a belief in something much larger than myself but also of myself. My faith is not conventional or unilateral but it is round and strong and anchored in love. It is big enough to know my way is not the only right way; it’s simply the right way for me. It believes in the wisdom of many religions and teachers and solely seeks to love, understand, and connect.

There is a quote I love by Abe Lincoln, “I cannot conceive how a man can look unto the heavens and say that there is no God.” I agree with Abe. I look up at the vast night sky - waning moon in the distance, stars beginning to brighten - and I feel something so much greater, yet a part of me, at work. It makes my heart glad.

And so it is.

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