Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Coming Home

(Day Three in my Month of Blessings)

Sleeping kids? No, I’ll dig deeper tonight (but God, I’ll take the sleeping kids, so don’t think I’m being ungrateful . . . very, very grateful . . .).

Tonight I am most thankful for old friends. I spoke with two of my oldest friends today and connecting with people I have known my whole life is life-affirming in a way so many things are not these days. In this day and age where speed and convenience and busy-ness constantly overwhelm and drain me, talking to old friends feeds me – the more we talk, the more I want to share. Like making bread and allowing the dough to rise in a warm spot and then baking it in the oven, these friendships bolster and nourish me in a way convenient friendships and store-bought white bread never will. They take time, they have a history, they are worth waiting for, and are always there to come home to.

So, Krystal Stauffer (Nagorski!) and Terri Lynn Wilder, know you are loved and blessed. You are part of my tribe. You are my people. You are home to me. Thank you.

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