Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Ones Who Matter

I have spent a lot of time in the last few days reconnecting with friends and family that had gotten lost (but never forgotten!) in the shuffle of the busy-ness that defined my life last fall.  Full-time working moms have my utmost respect and admiration because it is no easy feat to keep all of life’s balls up in the air – work, friends, family, spirituality, exercise, domestic duties – in fact, in my experience, some balls inevitably got dropped.  So often, that ball was connection to friends and family who fuel me, ground me . . . keep me sane.

I most keenly realized it over the holidays – believe it or not, when I was doing our Christmas cards.  I’d address each envelope with the names of beloved family and friends and realize how much I missed them, how long it had been since I’d seen them or talked.  It made me take stock of why there had been such long pauses and at what cost to my well-being and sense of connection with some of the people that matter most to me in my world.

And, ironically, the negative energy that was woven into the fabric of my work over the fall, sucked any mental and emotional energy reserves right out of me. . . leaving very little to give to the people and relationships that make me more – happy, whole, centered.

So I have made a commitment – now, while I have more time – to reach out and reconnect with the people that make a difference in my world.  To know that each conversation, each phone call, coffee, lunch, and walk matter.  That by embracing my circle, I am embraced.  It’s the way of the world. Give and you receive.  What you put out, you get back.  Be it love, money, energy, good karma . . . what comes around, goes around.

There are some merry-go-rounds that you just can’t wait to get off and others you are drawn back to again and again.  My true circle of friends is one magical carousel I never tire of and can’t wait to ride again. I’ll see you there soon!

“Somewhere, there are people to whom we can speak with passion 
without having the words catch in our throats. 
Somewhere a circle of hands will open to receive us, 
eyes will light up as we enter, voices will celebrate with us 
whenever we come into our own power. 
Community means strength that joins our strength 
to do the work that needs to be done. 
Arms to hold us when we falter. 
A circle of healing. 
A circle of friends. 
Someplace where we can be free."  
- Starhawk

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