Monday, January 13, 2014

Put on Notice

On a recent and much-needed visit to my favorite spiritual advisor and friend, Rosemary, she pulled out a bag of rune stones to help us understand a situation I was experiencing in my life. After having her hand in the bag for about five minutes as we talked about the issues I had come to discuss, she pulled out a stone and explained its meaning.  I was not very familiar with rune stones but did know that like tarot cards, they are a tool of divination and can provide insights into one’s life and experiences. The stone Rosemary chose for me me looked like a large “X”.

When she opened her rune stone "reference guide", I learned that this particular rune stone symbolizes “partnership” and “a gift”.  Since I was there to talk about a challenging work relationship and whether or not I wanted to continue, my interest was piqued.  This is what Rosemary read to me:

“Drawing this Rune is an indication that Partnership in some form is at hand. But you are put on notice not to collapse yourself into that union. For true Partnership is only achieved by separate and whole beings who retain their uniqueness even as they unite. Remember to let the winds of Heaven dance between you.

There is another realm of Partnership that we are being called to consider. For the path of Partnership can lead you to the realization of a still greater union – union with the Higher Self, union with the Divine. The ultimate gift of this Rune is the realization of the Divine in all things: God always enters into equal partnerships.

Gebo, the Rune of Partnership . . . signified the gift of freedom from which flow all other gifts.”

After Rosemary read this, I was a bit floored.  I joked with her that she had planted that “stone” and picked it on purpose.  She laughed and said, “You sat here and watched me with my hand in the bag for five minutes.  The universe is telling you what you need to hear . . . “  It was a bit unbelievable but so on the spot, I was hard-pressed not to feel that what I was hearing was my “Truth” in that moment.  I had not even told Rosemary I wanted to talk to her about a work situation prior to my appointment . . .

And thus, four days after Rosemary and I talked, I resigned from my job and severed a partnership that did not allow any Heavenly dancing between us.  I won’t sit here and tell you I resigned because of the rune stone; but, I can tell you it was another positive affirmation of what I already knew.  The partnership I was in was unhealthy and toxic and it was not one built on the premise of two “separate and whole beings who retain their uniqueness”.  In fact, when I tried to share my uniqueness or gifts, I was often met with distrust and questioned or chastised. Simply put, there was no real possibility for partnership here.  And in knowing that, my next steps became all the more clear.

Ultimately, I knew I needed to move on – not from a place of lack but from a deep desire to share and be more: because I felt the Divine in me needing to express itself in ways that make me more of who I am and let me fully express the great good I have to offer.  Truly, the rune stone, Gebo, does signify “the gift of freedom” I now have - to explore and find ways to partner with the Divine in myself and others, so that the winds of Heaven are free to flow and I can dance again.  To much dancing, deep partnerships, and the freedom to be myself . . . I am open and ready for my future to unfold.

(To learn more about Rosemary’s work and many gifts, please visit her website at - she is a beacon of wisdom, love, and light!)

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