Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Five Things I’m Loving in January 2014!

At the half-way point through January, typically the hardest month of the year for me (Seasonal Affective Disorder kicking in, holiday hangover blues, thinking big “new year” thoughts that often overwhelm me), but this January has been different and I think I have a lot of people and things to thank for it.

Here’s my top five things I’m loving so far in January 2014:

1.     Weaning the Wine– I know!  Sounds crazy right??  Well, I have only had wine one night this month and only then because there was an expectation to do karaoke later that night . . . I don’t know about you, but I’m almost one hundred percent sure that very few people get up in a crowded bar and sing badly without having at least a beer . . . so that night, a few drinks were had in anticipation of utter social ostracization . . . (but blessedly, no karaoke – we slipped out right before it was our turn; we’re smart like that!). Nonetheless, not drinking this month – save for that one night – has resulted in better and deeper sleep, fewer calories going in, and a clearer head.  All-in-all, it feels very good!

2.     Booty Bootcamp ( by Dr. Josh Axe – got the Burstfit Fire workouts for Jeff, my best friend Terri, and my brother for Christmas and our whole family is doing it: Jeff, me, Taggart, and even Sage did the leg workout one day with me!  A 20-25 minute variety of workouts that are intense and targeted, I typically combine it with walking, running, or biking and will keep you posted on the results.  My usual exercise M.O. is to focus largely on cardio so doing many of these isometric exercises is different for me. 
I am reminded of the saying, "If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten." We’ll give it a month and see what we notice – Taggart’s hoping for six-pack abs, Jeff’s shooting for a stronger core, and I’m looking for a rear-end lift sans medical implements . . . so far, so good!

      3.     Happy Hiking - 55 degree days in January make me hopeful and send me straight outside for a walk, run, or a bike ride.  Yesterday I was glad I had my running shoes in my car so I could drive straight to Radnor Lake after a meeting and hike to the top of Gainer Ridge (that climb, combined with booty bootcamp, has me walking with a bit of a hitch today – hopefully it will be worth it!).  Beyond any physical aspects, what being outside and moving in nature does for me on spiritual, emotional, and mental levels is just as powerful and necessary.  Note to self:  keep a pair of shoes in my car always – spontaneous hikes feed the soul!

      4.     Cha-Cha-Cha-Chia! – Taggart and I, as non-meat eaters, are all about the chia seeds these days.  We take a tablespoon in the morning or on cereal and he’ll do one before basketball practice too.  Rich in Omega 3’s and 6’s, full of fiber and protein, chia seeds aren't heavy in your stomach but do provide lots of nutritional value.  As legend has it, they were considered a staple food by the Indians of the southwest and Mexico; the Aztecs used chia seeds as high energy endurance food which warriors subsisted on during conquests.   For me, it provides light substance, keeps my blood sugar even, and fuels me through the morning – a conquest all its own!

      5.     BBWF (Don’t you know your acronyms?? Come on now, it’s Breaking Bread With Friends. Just made that up, we’ll have to see if it goes anywhere!)  – A common thread in much of my writing, my connection to my people fuels me in a way chia seeds – on their own - never will (but the combination of the two . . . magical!).  I’m taking one of my dearest friends to lunch today to celebrate her birthday and I’ve been looking forward to our date since we made it last week.  Carving out time to spend with people who make my heart happy is one of the best things I can do for myself – definitely in January – but truly, all year long.

So as we make our way through January, my wish for everyone is to have their “things” that work for them – making us healthier, happier, more whole.  I invite you to share what some of your favorite things are so far this year. What’s making you a better version of yourself?  (Perhaps transforming your outlook or energy, your day, your month . . . or even your life – big or small, please, do tell!)

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