Friday, January 24, 2014

Chop Wood, Carry Water . . . Find a Friend

[My mom took a number of pictures (hundreds!!!) of a baby elephant, his mother, and the cattle egrets that constantly flanked them in her most recent trip to Africa.  She came home and said, "We need to write a story about this baby elephant and the bird."  "Hhhhmmm, we???"  I thought.  So for months now, she has asked, "When can we write the elephant book?"  Well, now that I'm "retired" (or so I'm spinning it), I gave it a shot this week.  The following is either a children's story with a grown-up message . . . or a story for grown-ups in a child's voice . . . you help us decide - we'd love your feedback!]


Humpti loved his mama and
Mama loved Humpti.

He followed her wherever she’d go.
They'd walk and talk.

She’d feed him . . . and keep him safe.

But Humpti wanted a friend. 
And he told his mama so.

“Well, what kind of friend
do you want?” Mama asked.

“I want a friend I can walk with.
And talk with. . .
I want a friend to tell secrets to.
And to play with!
I want a friend who loves me -
even when I’m grumpy or sad or not
my nicest self . . . “ Humpti explained.

“O.K.,” said Humpti’s mama.
“How will you find this friend?”

 “I don’t know, Mama . . . how?”  he asked.

“I think you have to start where you are,” Mama advised.

“Start where you are, how???” Humpti implored.

His mama’s advice was this:  
Do your chores.

Take a bath.
Eat your breakfast.
Play follow the leader.
And all the while,
be on the lookout.

Notice the details. 

Before you know it,
you’ll find your friend!

Humpti wasn’t so sure
but he trusted his mama,
so off he went. 

(What do you notice? What do you see?)

Humpti could almost hear his mama’s voice, “Your friend,
little one, has been with you all along.” 

(“Mama’s right, she’s right! 
She’s always right . . .
How does she do that???”
Humpti wondered.)

“Thank you, Mama,
for helping me notice -
and find a friend!”

Mama smiled. “Life truly is in the details.
Your life - your good - is all around you.
you just have to notice it.”

“I did, Mama, I did! And I’ll never forget!” 
Humpti promised his mama.
(And Humpti never did!) 

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