Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Right Word in the Right Place

In honor of Valentine's Day, I created a "Wordle" for my husband.  "What in the world is a wordle?" you might be thinking.  Well, let me tell you, they are easy, addictive, and so much fun. My students first educated me about Wordles and then Taggart did one for school - now I'm playing with them and though I should be ticking off things on my to-do list this cold February morning, I am creating wordles and loving it.  You simply brainstorm any words you want in your word collage, entering them into the wordle website, and voile! The website creates different word collages for you.   And by hitting the "randomize" button, the combinations get better and better (trust me - try it!).  Go to to create your own! I'm going to make Jeff's into his Valentine's Day card : )  Happy Wordle-ing!!

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