Saturday, February 1, 2014

Give and Take

Yesterday, I celebrated my 44th (!) birthday and was touched by the graciousness of so many.  The presents were sweet (and totally unnecessary!) as I want for nothing; but the notes, cards, phone calls, and well-wishes from near and far made me feel loved, affirmed, and connected – to others, myself, the world, God.  It was a typical, extraordinary day doing all the things I love: time with my family, the Josh Axe cardio workout (whew!), writing, a delicious lunch of kale salad and blackened salmon, a nap (heaven!), a matinee, veggie pizza and white wine for dinner . . . truly, the perfect day!

Of course, each turn of the year also seems another opportunity to take stock and check in on goals, dreams and thinking about how I am using my gifts to move toward my highest and best good.  I have actually been doing a lot of this since resigning from my teaching at Vanderbilt a month ago and it has been a time of great hope, introspection, centering activity, writing, and throwing the windows to my soul open so my light can pour out and faith can rain in – a give and take of life-affirming sun and water to grow higher – stronger - more true to myself.

On Martin Luther King Day, to illuminate King’s “I Have A Dream” speech, I told the kids I was going to create a vision board, which would represent my personal dream for my life for the next year.  I invited them to create one too if they felt inclined.  We gathered up fifty magazines from around the house and I told them to just thumb through the pages and tear out anything that moved them or spoke to them: a phrase, a word, a picture, a color . . . Err on the side of inclusion and then, we would pick out our favorite images and clippings and create a collage to represent what we can envision for the coming year.

We worked diligently for about three hours - all three of us immersed in creating our own vision boards. Sage worried that hers wasn’t “right” or “perfect” or didn’t look like mine so I tried to tell her “perfect” didn’t have a place here, it was all about listening to her heart and sharing what she loves and hopes for in the coming year in that space.  No rights, no wrongs, just putting down what resonated inside of her.  Taggart didn’t have a single question as he blazed ahead and created an amazing board filled with athletic dreams.  He cut out a phrase that said “Your Worst Nightmare” and I said, “Whoa, you want your worst nightmare in the coming year?  We’ve worked really hard on getting you to sleep well and I’m not sure we want to put that out there.”  He corrected me, “No, mom, I don’t want to have my worst nightmare – I want to be someone else’s on the basketball court.”  Alrighty then! Needless to say, he got this vision board thing – going so far as to write his name in on a picture of the Heisman trophy.  This kid has dreams – I like it!

Mine represented creative expression, time with friends and family, health and wellness, travel, gardening and creating a home that more fully reflects who Jeff and I are.  I’ve put it in a prominent spot in our kitchen and make sure I look at it each morning.  Planting the seeds for what will come.  And continuing to open my heart and mind to the vast possibilities that can be my life.  My vision for the next year is grand – and with the right food, water, sunshine, and nutrients – I embrace the give and take that is my goodness unfolding.  So thankful for all that I have and all that I am, I welcome the coming year with open arms and whole-heart – ready for every good thing.

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