Thursday, March 19, 2009

Spring (!) Break (?)

The notion of Spring Break takes on a whole new meaning when you are a parent to little ones. In fact, I think the term Spring Break is an oxymoron. My kids have been out of school for the past seven days and I haven’t had a single break yet. We’ve been going and doing and seeing. We’ve been walking and jumping and swimming. We’ve been eating and drinking and snacking between meals. We’ve been to Parmer Park and Edwin Warner Park and the Nashville Zoo. We’ve been to Chattanooga, the Discovery Science Museum, and Rock City. We’ve been to Wendy’s, Taco Bell, the Mellow Mushroom, and McDonald’s (x 2). We went wild at Target today.

To see my almost-seven-year-old strut around in some new duds he picked out, checking himself out in the mirror, hand in pocket – well, it’s priceless. He thinks he’s hot stuff. And my sweet two-year-old, not to be outdone, got her first pair of flip flops. Turquoise with sequins and polka dots. She thinks she is all that.

Needless to say, we are having a BIG time. We are enjoying this “break” or maybe we’ll refer to what we’re having as a Spring Fling. With three days left and a family trip to Land Between the Lakes tomorrow, I have a feeling it may be Monday before I catch my breath. I can make it – but I may be crawling!

Yes, Monday will be welcome – just a little time for me. To write and get centered. To clean my house. To go for a long walk. Maybe take a nap. Shop – just for me! Some new shorts, some new flip flops, lipstick in a happy shade of spring. Who knows? It may be me thinking I’m all that . . . and ready again I’ll be to jump and walk and run . . . to enjoy spring with my two little loves. Happy to be together and to share our days.

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