Thursday, March 26, 2009

All the Time in the World

“I have all the time I need.” This is an affirmation I tell myself when everything is going too fast and I’m short-tempered and grouchy. “I have all the time I need . . . ” And the beauty of this affirmation: it works.

It makes me aware of the present moment and what is going on. It brings my attention back to center. It makes me slow down and take stock. What do I need to accompish today? And what do I want to accomplish today? If it’s not a must then I need to cut myself some slack. And if it’s a need, well then, I bring all my attention to what is required to accomplish it. Get it done, feel good about it, and move on.

Breathe in, breathe out. I am clear about what I need to do (and not do!). I truly have all the time I need. My day opens up. Quiet moments beckon. I am aware and centered. I choose how and where to spend my time. I say no when I need to. And yes when I mean it. Yes. I have all the time I need.

Disclaimer: This affirmation’s effectiveness can be muted in the presence of children. For best results, use while they are in school. For sanity’s sake, use when they are driving you crazy. When all else fails, take a nap. Or, if it’s five o’clock somewhere . . .

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