Monday, March 9, 2009

The Present Moment

With the Lenten season upon us and Easter beckoning, I hear constant talk about what people are giving up for Lent. My son, who attends a Catholic school but who is not Catholic, has decided to give up candy – but NOT on Thursdays and Sundays. I think the exception was all his idea but I’m sort of with him on this.

All or nothing thinking gets you into trouble. And if you have control issues, it can really mess you up. So maybe he’s smart and knows his limits and thinks he can not have candy five out of seven days and be good with this. Ironically, he doesn’t typically eat candy on a regular basis. So actually getting it on Thursday and Sunday, or even potenitally getting it, might be a real boon for him. He’s hopeful and that’s good.

As for hopeful, that’s more of what I want to be this Lenten season. I am tired of all the doom and gloom talk about the economy. I am tired of winter. And I am tired of loss and sadness. I get that this is all a part of life and that there are important lessons to learn through each of these experiences. That we need to go through them to grow and become more of who we’re meant to be.

But I’m saying “Uncle . . . enough already . . . I get it!” We are here to live in the present moment. To not let fear or darkness or sadness overshadow those little magical moments that make up each of our days. And they are different for each of us too. For me, it’s the smell of coffee brewing; the sound of the birds in the early morning; the smell of honeysuckle welcoming spring; the feel of Sage’s soft, feathery blonde hair; the sun warming my back as I walk around the block.

What is it for you? Talking to a special friend? Taking time to read? Hearing your spouse or partner say “I love you”? The bright yellow in the waving daffodils? Baking a cake? Whatever it is, go do it. Go buy yourself flowers. Put the windows down and sing loudly. Kiss your husband when he gets home. Hug your babies. Stay in the moment. Live life fully - in the present.

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