Thursday, March 20, 2014

Perfectly Imperfect

Prayer For All The Women 
(But Especially My Daughter)

I pray that you always feel comfortable in your own skin – at home wherever you are.

That you are valued, not for your appearance, but for your gifts and abilities.

That you view your uniqueness as exactly that, and nothing less.

That you not judge yourself harshly, but meet yourself with kindness and compassion – wherever you are.

I pray that you know that you are whole and complete and that you don’t have to do anything to be more perfectly imperfect than you are right now. 

I pray that you know you always have a choice to see or define something differently.

That you boldly choose and create your reality every day.

I pray that you use your powers for good and share your gifts with the world as only you can do.

I pray you learn to love yourself and others unconditionally – no matter the size of your thighs, the color of your hair, or the sag of your breasts.

I pray you do as I say and not as I do.

That you love and hold me as whole while I continue to struggle against my own deeply ingrained messages and beliefs about my body and self-worth. 

That you fight the good fight – trading any old, worn-out beliefs for stronger, truer, soul-affirming beliefs that build you up and don’t leave you feeling less than or not enough.

I pray you don’t waste time dwelling on what isn’t “perfect” and instead live your life whole-ly, fully, inhabiting each corner of your world with light, laughter, and great joy.

I pray your armor is never so heavy that you can’t easily discard it to fully embrace the good that is your birthright.

I pray for you all good things.

And, the wisdom to know the difference.

The wisdom to learn your lessons well and the courage to be open to trying a new way – even when it’s hard or scary or uncertain.

I pray for you the appreciation that in any dark chrysalis, the outcome is a beautiful butterfly.

May you always know and believe this.

May you remind yourself, others, me of this truth.

May you go forth in love, wholeness, and radical self-acceptance every day of the rest of your life.

This is my wish for you, sweet girl.

And my wish for every woman.

You are whole. 
You are perfect. 
You are enough.

(Never forget this.)



  1. Oh, Meg, I LOVE that... Beautiful.

  2. Thank you to one of my favorite women - who has helped shape and grow me in the best of ways! Love you!!
