Sunday, March 9, 2014

25 Things I Absolutely Love

At Julia Cameron's invitation (Prosperous Heart, chapter 2), I made a list of 25 things I absolutely love.  This is a great exercise to help remind us of what makes us really happy AND to stop and ask why we aren't doing or having more of that in our lives right now. Today. Here's my list:

1. Music from the 80's and 90's - takes me right back to the happiness and excitement of youth

2. Homemade baked goods!  In particular, the apple fritter from Fox's Donut Den - pure poetry for the taste buds
3. Good smells - clean laundry, spring time, a freshly showered and cologned husband : )
4. Lunch with a friend - carving out space for friends is a covenant I try to honor as often as I can
5. Hikes in nature - the give and take of the path always leaves me more centered
6. The parks in Nashville (Percy Warner, Edwin Warner, Beaman Park, Radnor Lake, the greenways) - in any city, I think great parks help define a community and we are blessed abundantly here
7. Our family cottage on Higgins Lake, MI - my hallowed ground, as much a part of me as my breath
8. Riding my bike - nothing like the wind in my hair and standing up as I fly down a hill
9. Browsing at a bookstore - so much goodness to be had, so many ideas to twist and turn and try on (or discard) - like an exotic buffet of all different kinds of ethnic foods set before me . . . where to begin??
10. New pens - felt, fine-tipped and ideally in all different colors
11. Key West - the pace, warmth, and laid back attitude relax me immediately and Blue Heaven restaurant is just that - heaven!
12. Hand-made jewelry – appreciating the creativity of other artists inspires me
13. Writing – the perfect word in the perfect place - like spiritual symmetry in my world
14. Finding the perfect gift for someone – gift-giving is a lost art but taking the time to find something you know someone else will really like is a special way of saying “I see you and I value you”
15.  Looking for and dreaming about my “dream house” – exploring and visualizing plants seeds for my future good
16.  Getting lost in a good book - escapism at its best!
17.  65-80 degree weather – my sweet spot! (I’m a little high maintenance when it comes to optimal temperature ranges . . . makes those 90 plus degree summers in TN painful . . . alas, refer to #7 and find me there for the month of July!)
18.  Delicious, satisfying, healthy foods – good for the heart (literally), head and spirit
19. My 4-Runner makes me pretty darn happy
20.  Farmers markets, art fairs, festivals – supporting, and embracing "local" loves
21.  My mom and brother (J, T, & S are a given!) - my tribe and good start here (lots of laughter too!)
22.  Sunday afternoon drives – no destination necessary, just wandering to find what we find
23.  Taking a class/learning something new – the perpetual student, nothing makes me happier than being in a classroom, sharing ideas, and thinking about something in a new way
24.  Trees – maple, birch, pine, sycamore . . . their sheltering presence makes me feel safe and well tended to 
25.  Solitude – quiet moments where I can be uninterrupted and lost in my head balance the lovely craziness of two kids, two cats, a husband, a dog, a frog, and our messy, wonderful lives

What feeds you? Grounds you? Gives you wings?  Write your list.  Do more of the things you love.  Start today.  Who knows what good will come when you follow and do what you love?  At a minimum, you'll be happy doing it. And you happy makes everyone happy.  

To more of doing what we absolutely love!

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