Monday, May 12, 2014

This Too Shall Pass

My grandmother, Virginia Belle Mundy, gave birth to eight children and has since survived the loss of four sons, a daughter, and her husband - my sweet, dear grandfather.  She and my grandfather were married 68 years at the time of his passing, which is almost incomprehensible in my little 12-years-and-counting married life.  Her favorite phrase, which covers the gambit of any problem or issue: “Honey, this too shall pass.” You have no idea how often I recite that to myself and picture my grandmother – strong, loyal, loving, resourceful – pressing on no matter what.

Because, honestly, what else is there to do?

Whatever trouble, turmoil, or issue is challenging you: this too shall pass. And, whatever good, happy, wonderful. life-affirming experience: this too shall pass. Such is life. So knowing this, our job is to live it. Because we only have days.  Days to do something amazing. Life-affirming. Earth-shattering. Days to do something ordinary (because sometimes you just need to pay the bills and clean the house!). Days to lament. Days to laugh. Or days to cry. Days to connect with others. Or to bury back into our beds and say, “Tomorrow’s another day – I’ll try again then.”

Here’s the thing: our days are ours; to spend in any way we see fit and choose. (Yes, even for those in a 9-5 grind of a job that may or may not be so fulfilling . . . those other 16 hours of the day are up for your choosing!) And the Truth, we only get so many days. The older I get, the clearer this understanding becomes.  Sometimes I even have to take the same tack with that very thought and say to myself “this too shall pass”. Because living in the awareness of finite time and trying to make the most of every minute of every day can get pretty darn heavy. Nonetheless, the dual awareness of “this too shall pass” and our numbered days lives in my peripheral consciousness most days. We have no choice but to be soldiers in the march of time.

For whom and what are you fighting? For my grandmother, it was always for her family.  No matter what. It’s an important thing for each of us to know. For whom and what are we fighting when we spend our days and time.  For me, it’s my kids, my family, and my dream to be a writer.  Noticing the details. Appreciating them. Not getting lost there. Getting it all down. Sharing. Being present.
As we think about our lives and how we are spending our time, it’s good to know that in every single year with which we are blessed, we have within those 365 days, a total of 525,600 minutes to fight the good fight. To leave a legacy. To make a difference. To love.

On Mother’s Day and everyday, when I think of my grandmother, I am inspired to press on no matter what and to simply love right through it. Let’s try and live in that knowing. Let’s keep fighting the good fight and finding ways to love one another (or at least bridging the divide!). Let’s dance to the march of time, like my grandmother, with grace, compassion, and acceptance.   And know that amidst all of life’s worries, beauty, and laughter, life goes on.

This too shall pass.”

 And so it is.

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