Monday, April 28, 2014

Seize the Day

You never know who or what is going to make your life more full and whole on any given day.  People and experiences happen that open you up to a brand-new way of seeing or being that you had never considered before and might never have - had you not bumped into that someone or something new.
Most recently, I met an 82-year-old innkeeper at the Richmont Inn ( where Jeff and I stayed last week-end in the Smoky Mountains.  Jim Hind and his wife call themselves “corporate dropouts” because they opened their dream bed and breakfast (a rustic cantilever barn) 23 years ago after a lifetime in corporate America.  And they have done a lovely job with the inn, its philosophy, and the heartfelt care and attention to detail they take to make their guests’ stay all it needs to be.
But more than the inn itself, I loved that at 59, Jim decided to follow his heart.  I kept looking at him, taking in the different facets of the Inn, and wondering, “Maybe Jeff and I would like to run a bed and breakfast??”  I’d listen to Jim speak, watch his thoughtful eyes take the surroundings in, and feel that I was in the presence of someone who allowed his authentic self to be shared and known.  But the flip side was also taking in the fact, that at 82, he probably is not going to be the active innkeeper much longer (though I hope he gets to do it for as long as it fulfills him!). 
I notice the slowing down in the upkeep of the outside grounds, which though lovely and probably well-tended at one time, have fallen into a bit of disrepair that some serious TLC would rectify in no time.  No, the foundation and internal workings are solid - something beautiful and worthy. You understand while staying there that the dream has been realized.  But there seems to also be a sense of, “Now what?”  Seeing Jim at 82, knowing he began living this dream at 59 and is now contemplating what may be his last decade or so, left me feeling sad, introspective, and ready to better identify and pursue my dreams for my life, my marriage, my next chapter.
This week-end away came directly after a visit Jeff and I made to my good friend Rosemary Cathcart ( so that she could help us strategize about how to identify and pursue our right livelihood as we think of ways to both support our family and be happy and fulfilled in the process.
Our session with Rosemary was insightful in many ways, and although we didn’t have any big "ah-has" about the WHAT, Jeff and I did get confirmation that the questions we are asking are the right ones.  This confirmation was made when our session ended and I said, “Oh rats! We didn’t get to do the Rune stones!! Oh well, next time . . .” to which Rosemary responded, “Do you want to ask one question?” and of course, I’m all, “yes! yes! yes!” So out came her bag of stones and in came my question, which went something like this: I want to know how Jeff and I can both be engaged in work that fulfills us and that also supports our family in the ways that we need . . . And Rosemary’s like, “Well, that’s a big order but we’ll see what we can find out . . ."
Into the pouch her hand goes and out come, not one stone as is customary, but two stones, as she says “Well I guess two want to come out today . . . O.K.”  And we take a look. “Of course” she says - like what other outcome could there be (given that there are 24 stones in the bag, the outcome could have been any thousand or so other combinations but no, we got this one particularly perfect pairing . . .).
The first stone was in the shape of an X, called Gebo, and stands for partnership.  For those of you who read about my session with Rosemary a few months ago as I was making a decision to resign from my teaching position, the same stone turned up. But at that juncture, if was about needing to end a partnership that did not allow for two whole individuals to express themselves.  And at this juncture, two whole (and married!) individuals are considering how to bring our whole selves to our partnership and most effectively be together: in marriage and in work.  The second stone - called Dagaz - is an X with two opposing sides closed by straight lines (like an hour glass), and is the rune representing breakthrough or radical change.
Partnership and Breakthrough! What an incredible affirmation of the path we are on. At least that’s how I am seeing this – and my dear, sweet, conservative husband, well, let’s say he’s doing his best to remain positive and open (and we all know, that’s no easy task – especially amidst times of chaos and change!).  We are talking, exploring ideas, thinking about what new partnership might be ours.  A turtle’s pace kind of couple, we are taking our time, staying connected, and being thoughtful as we contemplate what our next chapter will be.
Wanting to know more about the runes, Gebo and Dagaz, I did a bit of research when we got home and felt the rightness in their symbolism reaffirmed.  Along with "Partnership", other meanings for Gebo include: gift; generosity and giving; joint efforts; love and growth; sharing and sacrifice; and, unity.  Interestingly, the description for Dagaz ("Breakthrough") echoes what astrologers are describing as the current Grand Cross alignment ( the time for waiting is over and major events and turning points are on their way. Dagaz is said to have great protective powers and is a rune of health, prosperity and new openings. I am ready for that great, new good!
For sure, it is a time of reassessment, redefining, letting go, and beginning anew - for all of us in some capacity. From the planets to the Earth to our government, relationships, beliefs . . . it's big, it's scary, it's exhilarating, and it can be exhausting.  But it is also necessary and worthwhile. Because, when it comes down to it, we basically all have two choices: 1.) Embrace the new. Or, 2.) Go kicking and screaming into the unknown while we unhappily cling to some worn-out way of being . . . 
It's a choice each of us has. And the time is upon us. So ask your questions. Seek your answers - wherever they may lie. And then, have the courage to live into them. The Universe is waiting for you to  share your good. The Grand Cross beckons. Give yourself permission to move forward. No more waiting around! Answer your call. Open a bed and breakfast. Flip a house. Write a book. Start a blog. Open a gourmet market. Dance. Paint. Draw. Take pictures. Grow a garden. Make music. Quit the job that doesn't serve you. Find the thing that does. Follow the energy, wherever it takes you. 
Seize the day.

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