Sunday, January 11, 2009

Lost & Found

In Arizona for my great-Uncle Dick's memorial service. A beautiful celebration of a well-lived life with many wonderful stories, family connections and re-connections, and time to think, reminisce and find balance amidst the chaos of life and death.

From any loss I am always deeply touched by the things we "find" in the rubble and the grief: sweet memories, an extended hand, a warm hug, a deepened relationship, a stronger faith, a generosity of spirit, gratitude for life, hope for the future . . . moments of grace that bring us back to who we are and, hopefully, who we can be as our respective journeys unfold, forge ahead, and take us where we need to go.

Lost and Found:
Lessons in Loss

Take nothing for granted
Give thanks everyday.
Appreciate simple pleasures.
Live in the moment.

Laugh with a child.
Love an animal.
find solace in beauty.
Accept goodwill.

Know what love is.
Be that love.
Nurture your spirit.
Feed your soul.

Say I love you.
Practice forgiveness.
Resolve conflicts.
Let others in.

Breathe deeply.
Spend time in nature.
Let solitude speak.
Be still.

Release judgement.
Let go of control.
Seek out symbols.
Watch for signs.

Trust in miracles.
Explorer your spirituality.
Find your faith.
Find something to believe in.

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