Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Gift of Perspective

After my dad died of a sudden heart attack, I was compelled to write the following "poem". It was about the way he shaped my perspective on life. And, about how his death inevitably shaped my perspective on life.

My dad would have loved Barack Obama's inaugural speech today - the very fact that he is our nation's 44th president. How far we've come. The hope inherent in his presidency. The perspective offered by our first African-American president . . .

Barack Obama also embodies a perspective shift - a man whose integrity, fairness, vision and love for America and its citizens will keep us centered around what is important. Barack Obama's keen ability to balance amidst the many extremes in our world is a great gift - it too offers us the gift of perspective.

My father helped me intimately know the difference between many extremes. And sometimes, I found my way to the middle space. Today, I try to live in that space. What he taught me and what I know to be true is that life is a balancing act. It's also a matter of perspective. And, the ability to balance and maintain perspective amidst the many extremes makes all the difference.

the gift of perspective

frustration vs. patience
head vs. heart
safety vs. risk
wealth vs. riches
knowledge vs. wisdom
losing vs. winning
beliefs vs. values
endings vs. beginnings
bridges vs. connections
crisis vs. opportunity
change vs. growth
control vs. boundaries
practice vs. perfection
hearing vs. listening
talking vs. conversation
seeing vs. vision
hard work vs. dedication
talent vs. passion
past vs. present
strength vs. weakness
give vs. take
change vs. growth
living vs. dying

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