Monday, January 26, 2009

Fling Me A Rainbow

Knee-deep in the January doldrums. It's cold, the holidays are over, and spring is still a ways away. A good time to organize, draw my attention inward, and count my many, many blessings. Still . . . sometimes I lose perspective as I wrap myself ever-tighter in my thickening cocoon: my roles, my family, my to-do lists.

But last night, as I was trying to get organized, I ran across a drawing my bestfriend from childhood did for me eons ago. My dad kept it initially - he always did have an eye for good stuff when he saw it - and gave it to me years later (probably when he thought I could really appreciate it). Where she got the quote I have no idea. It's depth and meaning, priceless beyond measure. It was a picture of a sky, full rainbow, and shaggy grass. And next to it, it reads: "Fling me a rainbow!" I cry to the troubled sky. And look, she flings one.

And then today, as I am busily working on my resolute to-do lists, I see the mother of one of my son's friends - someone whom I am just beginning to get to know - pull in the driveway. She comes with a pot of daffodils in hand - one tiny bloom bravely waving to me on this cold, gray day.

She knows I've been going through some stuff, just thought it might help. And, boy, does it. My day is transformed from ordinary to grace-filled. She flung me a rainbow. Just when I needed it. And my day seems to unfold exactly as it should. My heart is full. And I am happy.

I think I've made a new friend.

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