Monday, October 6, 2014

The Best Things In Life

My dad's gifts were never expensive but they were almost always invaluable: a Whitman quote, a Rumi poem, a Gary Snyder book, a Peter Gabriel CD, simple silver and lapis jewelry, a breakfast of peanut butter toast and black coffee. My gift to him today - which would have been his 71st birthday - is to remember and honor him with a few minutes of quiet amidst my kids' fall break.  We are in the mountains of northern Georgia - a place of beauty, nature, and simplicity. And with an Indian name like Hiawassee, my dad would have felt right at home.  We have spent time in the woods, walking and talking, hiking to a waterfall, climbing to the top of the Brasstown Bald and seeing as far as the eye could see. We saw a red-tailed hawk - my dad's animal totem. Even before the kids asked if my dad would like this area, I felt his presence.

In one of the National Park gift shops we visited after a hike, I saw this magnet:
On my dad's (and my grandmother's!) birthday, I want to cherish the best "things" in life and to teach my children the importance of living fully and deeply.  I wrote the following poem after my dad's passing: it holds the many lessons I gleaned from him - in his life and in his death (and sometimes because of my utter frustration with him - being his perfectly imperfect daughter could prove challenging at times!).  It helps define how I try to live my life and days and guides me in sharing the lessons my dad taught me with my kids.  At its heart, this poem encourages us to dig deep so that we may know what is really important and to have the courage and conviction to follow our hearts - even in light of adversity.  (My dad knew this better than anyone - he who preached local, organic, solar, windmills, and electric cars 35 years ago!) 
Finding Purpose
Follow your heart.
Ask questions.
Listen deeply.
Open yourself.
Set goals.
Exceed expectations.
Determine your weaknesses & strengths.
Capitalize on them.
Be authentic.
Set boundaries.
Be flexible.
Know your limits.
Stretch beyond them.
Be creative.
Raise a child.
Praise a god.
Commit to something.
Accept others as they are.
Give with no motives.
Live in the moment.
Read voraciously.
Act thoughtfully.
Leave a legacy.
Cultivate community.

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