Monday, January 11, 2010

Puppy Love

Well, he’s here. And he’s good so far. Really good. Tractor Patterson was officially adopted on Saturday, January 9th. Although I was up with major worry issues the night before (I am so Type A, even though I try so hard not to be – a recovering perfectionist off the wagon . . . ), when we went to pick him up, I still really liked him. A lot.

Maybe it’s his eyes. Or the fact that he never jumped on the kids once. Or that he has really soft, short fur (the kind I don’t think will shed much!). There’s something about this dog that seems right for us. I thought for sure we were in the market for a fuzzy little puppy but to be honest, for us right now, Tractor is even better. He’s out of the little puppy stage, he’s been trained some, and he’s not nipping at Sage with sharp teeth. And he needed a good home. I think he’s found one.

And we’ve found a friend and companion. A playmate for the kids. Someone to keep me company during the day (not that I ever minded time by myself in the house, mind you!). An exercise partner for Jeff. We’re all covered. And so is Tractor. It’s a win-win for all of us. Looking out for each other, opening our hearts to one another, making room in our lives for a new friend.

It’s a great way to start the new year - with Tractor leading the way. And Rooster and Stella – our beloved cats - scrambling out of his way. It’s an adjustment for all of us but life’s about embracing change. And I’ll just have to remind Rooster and Stella of that the next time Tractor chases them! Small steps for sure, but we’ll get there - one walk, one night, one dog treat at a time. Yes, I’m sure we’ll get there.

No worries at all.

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