Monday, July 13, 2009

Expect Less

A couple years ago I told my brother about a small pocket charm I’d seen in a basket amidst coin-sized angels and peace symbols. It read, “Expect less”. At the time, I was subtly offended by it, optimist that I am. Expect less . . . well that’s crap, I thought. Expect less? Well expect more for God’s sake. Life is short. Play hard. “Expect the best!” is what I thought it should have said.

Ironically, when I opened my birthday card from my brother that year, I found tucked in the card, the small square token inscribed with “Expect less”. I think he sent it as a joke because of our discussion and because of how riled up I was but I also thought there might be more to it.

So I thought about it.

And, I’ve come to the conclusion that there truly is great wisdom to be found there. Particularly for folks – hhh-hmmm – who might have control issues or fondly refer to themselves as recovering perfectionists. In speaking solely for myself, I have always wanted to be the best that I can, to have the best, to do the best. I don’t measure myself against externals but have some crazy internal tape measure that sometimes is impossibly long and unwieldy. And lots of times, I realize amidst my pushing and pulling, that I simply need to cut myself some slack and reel the tape measure in. Aha! Yes. Lower my expectations . . . and expect a little less.

The other piece of this that I’ve figured out since turning over this whole “expect less” theory in my mind is that I think the flip side of the token needs to be inscribed with “Accept what is”. Because if we simply accept what is, our expectations – high or low – cannot ambush us. If we simply accept what is in each moment – and isn’t this truly all we have control over? - we live more fully and presently. Less in our heads and in our expectations of right and wrong, good and bad.

So here I am at Higgins Lake with my kids and my mom. One week down and three to go. I’m literally at one of the most special places on Earth. And I always have a lot of expectations about how this time should go. How much I should be working on Singing Heart Press. How I should be writing every day. Contributing to my blog at least twice a week. Running – not walking – to keep myself in good shape. The list (expectations) could go on.

But I’m going to put my theory into action – every good educator's true measure of success. For my time here at least, for the next three weeks, I am going to “Expect less” and “Accept what is”. If not, I am going to miss so much of this special place. And, I don’t want to miss a thing.

Right now, I hear the wind whispering in the trees, I see the early evening sunlight glittering across the lake – a prelude to the coming sunset. I hear children from the ball field calling to each other and playing at the park. I see our red, white, and blue flag waving in the breeze – a constant reminder of our many blessings. I am writing. I am breathing deeply. My expectations are manageable: to simply accept what is.

1 comment:

  1. Try to Relax
    Strive to Enjoy
    See the many wonders of Higgins Lake thru the eyes of your precious babies! And,
    Recognize and acknowledge your many blessings!

    Most of all,
    Be safe!
