Monday, April 20, 2009


In a bit of a slump today and can’t put words to it. Just a low-energy malaise that makes it hard to find my get-up-and-go. With Sage and Taggart, I need my get-up-and-go and can’t just curl up and take a nap or check-out for an hour. I couldn’t even escape for a walk, which almost always helps me when I’m feeling blah.

The good news today is that I have SO much to be thankful for. And on days when I’m feeling ho-hum, counting my blessings (and sometimes even just counting) helps center me and give me a more balanced space from which to navigate my doldrums.
Today I am thankful for:
1. The afternoon sunshine – bless you Mother Nature. I so needed its bright warmth.
2. Cinnamon Buns coffee creamer – almost as good as a cinnamon roll!
3. Irises in bloom – remind me of my grandmother. Soft, fragile, beautiful.
4. Rainer Maria Rilke – reading a paragraph of his writing fuels me for a day.
5. Taggart – he wanted to do a picnic when we got home from school so he spread out a blanket in the backyard and we made PBJ’s and played frisbee.
6. Sage – her “Mama? . . . I love you” melts my heart every time.
7. Jeff – I thought about him a lot today because I was running around doing birthday prep for tomorrow. Wanting to make his day special reminded me of the many reasons I cherish him.
8. My mom – she just knows me so well and loves with no conditions. She really is the best.
9. Chocolate – I’ve been really good about not eating sweets lately (and not minding) but today I raided the kids’ Easter candy. Four mini Special dark chocolate candy bars met their match!
10. And last but not least is HOLLY. She is so loving and loyal and just a glutton for attention. On six meds now but she’s hanging in there and every day we continue to have her in our lives is a great gift.

So, so many gifts. And I am so grateful. I am blessed beyond measure. And even when I’m tired, I can find the energy in all my good. I’d almost like to say I think I’ll go take a walk. But, that would be stretching it. Both kids down, snug in my bed, I’m not going anywhere. But I will go to bed early, sleep with all this goodness in the forefront of my mind, and wake up to a new day tomorrow. Full of sunshine, a birthday to celebrate, and good coffee to look forward to, I’m already feeling better. In fact, I think I’ll call it a night!


  1. Happy Birthday Jeff, hugs & kisses to Taggart & Sage, and much love to sweet Holly - my extended cyber family. Thanks, as always, for sharing!

  2. Almost forgot to send you love, Meaghan, but I hope it goes without saying how very much you have always, and continue to, mean to me.
