Thursday, September 5, 2013

Simple Lessons - Deep Meanings

It’s been 15 years ago (September 4th) that my dad passed away from a heart attack at 54 years old.  His sudden passing and the grief that followed is now tempered by my many memories, appreciation for the gifts he gave me, and the wisdom he shared.  In honor of his memory, I made a list of some of his wisdom and advice that often helps guide and ground me:

To be real.
To find a way to connect with others.
To be kind.
To be a good steward of the Earth.
To find balance.
To read and write everyday.
To love children.
To teach them well.
To honor spirit.
Cherish family.
Rise to the occasion.
To dance.
To think.
To find out for myself.
To trust.
To question.
To not take anything for granted.
To appreciate the simple pleasures.
To laugh at myself.
To not take myself too seriously.
To respect my elders.
Call my grandmother.
Finish what I started.
Start again.
Plant seeds and ideas.
Be patient.
Don’t force what doesn’t fit.
If you’re bored, find something to do.
Be still and listen.
Find your voice.
Use it.
Be beautiful – inside and out.
Eat well.
Nourish your body.
Feed your soul.
Everything in moderation.
Share your last bite.
Tell my story.
Write your book – a page a day.
One day at a time.
This too shall pass.

At my dad’s funeral, my grandfather walked around shaking his head and commenting, “Gerry was either the most simple, complex man I ever knew.  Or the most complex, simple man. I can’t figure out which...”  That about sums it up.  My dad was a walking contradiction in many ways.  He taught me so much.  Simple lessons.  Deep meanings.  Now, past any anger, sadness, or frustration, I’m simply grateful. Thank you Dad.